This article is devoted to the history of bipolar disorder. Learn when it was first mentioned and how everything started.
How to Manage Depression by Writing Essays: 5 Exercises to Do When Working on a College Paper
According to various reports that have been published over the years, they have all pointed out that 1 in 4 students at colleges suffers from mental health problems. This means 27% of students at a particular college do have a mental health problem of some sort.
Female students are the ones who suffer from a mental health problem the most with a whopping 34% saying they have a mental health problem.
When compared to the male students, 19% said they do have a mental health problem which comes from everything to do college. Things like essay especially due to tight deadlines students are known to be one of the biggest contributors to student mental health problems.
What about Depression?
Depression is the one mental health problems that many students have with 77% of college students saying they do suffer from depression related issues. Anxiety is the second mental health problem student suffer the most with 74% of students at many colleges saying they do suffer from anxiety. Below is a graph that shows the percentage of different mental health problems among students.
5 Exercises That Help Students Manage Depression:
1. Taking yoga classes
Yoga is very popular because it helps a student relax their mind while increasing their flexibility as well as strength. The breathing poses help reduce a student’s heart rate, blood pressure and most importantly, stress. It does not matter the age of the student, anyone can take yoga classes.
2. Tai Chi
This is a martial art style that originated in China and is very famous because of the benefits it brings to a person. This exercise involves a lot of physical movement combined with breathing which can help relieve pain, build up muscle and reduce stress.
3. Gardening classes
Many people look at gardening classes like a chore but it is actually a good exercise that helps a student burn calories. Performing a few gardening activities helps a student to relieve stress because they are outdoors instead of being cooked up in a room feeling sorry for themselves.
4. Kickboxing classes
This high-intensity exercise helps a student to burn calories very quickly. It is a mixer of boxing, sports, fitness and martial arts which makes it one of the coolest exercises a student can do to relieve stress. It helps a person build up their confidence and control their breathing which goes a long way in making a student worry less about their course work.
5. Dance classes
Dancing is a workout on its own because the body is moving to the beat of the music. It is a good stress reliever that helps a student express themselves, have a positive mindset as well as boost their confidence. On top of making you worry less about your course work, it can also improve a student heart rate, build muscle and help them lose weight as well.
Other Ways of Dealing with Depression
- Using a professional essay writing service – If a student is feeling the heat with their essay, they can hire custom essay writing services online. There are so many companies that provide this service for a fee. What they do is they will research, write, modify any content a student needs to be written. They have well-qualified writers who can write on any topic given to them allowing a student to focus on their mental health while their essay is being taken care of.
- Speaking to someone – When a student is feeling depressed or stress with their essay, a good solution is to speak to someone like a doctor, friend, tutor or even a counselor. This is something that can help relieve the stress level because it is someone that the student trusts and many mental health issues are easily dealt with this way.
- Using university counseling services – Since many colleges and universities know that essay writing can be stressful for students, they set up their own counseling services. These services have well-qualified professionals who will do everything in their power to help a student get through depression which comes with academic studies. The major plus of using this service is since it is in-house, the can speak to the tutors to allow a student going through depression more time for their assignments or exams.
- Services set up by other students – Students do understand each other when it comes to depression and in some universities, students have set up services to help each other. While they might not be as qualified as therapists, speaking among each other allows certain students to open up more because they are all in the same boat.
- Online help – The internet has plenty of free self-help services that a student can easily contact if they are feeling depressed because of their essay. They are just as good as seeing a counselor face to face only difference is, the talking and chatting is done on the internet
Depression is something that is part of a student’s life, especially with the stress they are put under to success from the college as well as their guardians. The pressure of not wanting to let people down does get to most students however, help is there in many forms if they need it. There are so many exercises like yoga, kickboxing, dancing and tai chi which can help relieve assignment stress. All a student has to do is pick the exercise they are comfortable with and use it to deal with their depression.
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By Marion Reeves
Marion is a content writer and editor. Her posts are always informative and up-to-date due to her admirable professionalism and distinctive way with words. In her free time, Marion plays with her two beautiful kids and takes care of her garden.
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